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About us

About us

Range of services

What do we mean by research funding?

From the first minute of their lives, people explore everything that surrounds them and nothing can stop them. The urge to research is therefore innate in us and, in the best case, it remains with us throughout our lives.

We, the Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung NÖ, see it as our task to accompany people on their way into science. We do this with scholarships to support the time of study and possibly stays abroad, or with social scholarships. We provide support as individually and precisely as possible.

Also for those who are looking for a topic for their thesis, whether Bachelor, Master or PhD, with the topic exchange we offer the possibility to choose a topic relevant to our state as well as related advice and support.

The contact to us remains for all those who are working in a Lower Austrian research institution or a researching company after having completed their education. Annually announced calls for research funds in basic and applied research enable the financing of research projects within the framework of the state's RTI strategy. Transparent awarding ensures fair competition.

And last but not least, our events, such as the Symposium Dürnstein, provide space for scientific discourse and networking.

Science and research have a high priority in Lower Austria and are to be expanded even further; our offerings are an important building block in this regard.

Our mission statement

The Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung NÖ, as the research promotion agency of the province of Lower Austria, contributes significantly to the achievement of the strategic goals of the province of Lower Austria through its objective, transparent and service-oriented services in the field of science and research.

The Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung NÖ is an important partner for the sustainable expansion of research and development activities in Lower Austria, the promotion of internationally outstanding research, the strengthening of the business location and its innovative power as well as the support of the interaction between science and research with society.

The history of the company

The Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung NÖ is a 100% subsidiary of the province of Lower Austria and succeeds the NÖ Forschungs- und Bildungsges.m.b.H. (NFB) with a new company name and with changed tasks, which was created in May 2011 from the merger of the NÖ Bildungsgesellschaft m.b.H. für Fachhochschul- und Universitätswesen and the Life Science Krems GmbH. In its activities, the Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung NÖ focuses on research funding based on the RTI Strategy of Lower Austria 2027.

Management and corporate bodies

The corporate bodies of the Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung NÖ are the management, the general assembly and a supervisory board.


Portrait Georg Pejrimovsky
Mag. Georg Pejrimovsky
Managing Director
Portrait Mario Enzenberger
Mag. Mario Enzenberger
Authorized Manager, Head of Calls


General Assembly

Martina HÖLLBACHER, Representative of the Province of Lower Austria


Supervisory Board

The 11 members of the Supervisory Board of the Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung NÖ:

  • Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Markus HENGSTSCHLÄGER (Chairman)
    Institute of Medical Genetics, Medical University of Vienna

  • Em. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter SKALICKY

  • Em. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ernst WOLNER

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael FREISSMUTH
    Institute of Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna

    Hammerschmied Hohenegger & Partner Auditing GmbH

  • Mag. Martina HÖLLBACHER
    Department of Science and Research, Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government

  • Dr. Markus KLAMMINGER
    Lower Austrian Provincial Health Agency

  • Dipl.-Ing. Kerstin KOREN
    Department of Economy, Tourism & Technology in the Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government

  • Mag. Martina PECHER
    Pecher Consulting GmbH

  • Lectr. Court Counsellor Dr. Joachim RÖSSL

  • Leopold SCHALHAS
    Department of Plant Law at the Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government

The team of the Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung NÖ

It is the employees who make a company! Each and every employee of the Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung NÖ plays an active role in shaping the company and contributing to its success.

We are reliable partners, creative minds and talented performers. We treat each other as equals and with respect. This applies both to communication within the team and to cooperation with our customers.

Here for you

Portrait Georg Pejrimovsky
Mag. Georg Pejrimovsky
Managing Director
Portrait Mario Enzenberger
Mag. Mario Enzenberger
Authorized Manager, Head of Calls
Portrait Sabine Hochreiter
Sabine Hochreiter
Portrait Kerstin Lienbacher
Kerstin Lienbacher, BSc
(on maternity leave) Scholarships
Portrait Bettina Pilsel
Mag. Bettina Pilsel
Symposium Dürnstein, Awards
Portrait Karin Peter
Mag. Karin Peter
UAS funding
Portrait Sigrid Rulitz
Mag. Sigrid Rulitz
Marketing & PR
Portrait Sara Atic
Sara Atic
IT, Funding for nursing training
Portrait Stefanie Aschinger
Stefanie Aschinger
Office Management
Portrait Sabine Doblinger
Sabine Doblinger
Accounting, Scholarships
Portrait Florian Huber
Dr. Florian Huber
Call- and Programme-Management
Portrait Viktoria Krall
Viktoria Krall, BA MA
Calls, Project Controlling
Portrait Marie Madeleine Schleifer
Mag. Marie Madeleine Schleifer
Funding for nursing training
Portrait Pia Gruna
Pia Gruna
Portrait Petra Stiglegger
Petra Stiglegger, MA
Funding for nursing training

Media center

Discover videos with brief information on funded projects as well as photos from events, award ceremonies and network meetings of the science community in our media center.

11. Symposion Dürnstein

24. – 26.04.2022

More media can be found here: Mediathek Fotos / Mediathek Videos / Mediathek Audio

Long Night of Research 2022


10. Symposium Dürnstein

04. – 06.03.2021
Venue Symposium Dürnstein 2021: Minoritenkirche Krems/Stein
Opening evening Symposium Dürnstein 2021 in the Minoritenkirche Krems/Stein
Video: Symposium Dürnstein 2021: Opening lecture Michael Köhlmeier Give to nature only what is necessary, then mans life is as the animals! (Shakespeare, King Lear)
Video: Symposium Dürnstein 2021: Lecture Sigrid Pohl Aesthetic Education - Art Projects by Students.

More media can be found on the website of the Dürnstein Symposium: Media center photos / Media center videos.

WZP 2021 Preisträger*innen

Birgit Teufer, Barbara Stöckl
Claudia Gusenbauer, Barbara Stöckl
Hanna Leitner, Lena Marie Oppitz,, Barbara Stöckl
Linda Haselböck und Christina Wiesenhofer
Markus Scharler, Barbara Stöckl, Landesrat Jochen Danninger
Patrick Zöchling, Barbara Stöckl
Wissenschaftsgala 2021 Preisträger*innen WZP 2021

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Video: Vorstellung der Projekte der WZP 2021 Preisträger*innen

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WZA Call for Concept 2020

Jochen Danninger, Christina Adorjan, Cornelia Rieder-Gradinger, Johanna...
Nicole Amberg, Angela Bitto-Nemling, Jochen Danninger, Lisa Cichocki, Melissa...
Video: Wissen schaf[f]t Zukunft Award 2020 - Call for Concept Awards: Wood be better! Material sciences to grab and go and STEM fatale - aiming at gender equality in leadership positions in STEM.

WZP Pre-scientific thesis/diploma thesis 2020

Xaver Heigl, Helene Moser, Sebastian Siebenhandel and Victoria Teuschl
Jochen Danninger, Francesca Kastner and Lea Klatzl, Johanna Mikl-Leitner
Video: Wissen schaf[f]t Zukunft Award 2020 - VWA/Diplomarbeit: Effects of psychoactive substances on the organs of fish and Historische Aufarbeitung von Stalag XVII B.

Science Call | RTI Call - Open House

Open Day in the Government Quarter Lower Austrian Provincial Library and...
Brief description Project Aquasafe
Dr. Savio and Professor Farnleitner answer questions about the Aquasafe project
Bacteria of various origins
Illustrative model
Project description
Photo of the plaster cast of the bone find

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Excavation tools
Bone model
Information stand for the open day
Curiosity is aroused
Friendly bacteria
Adolescent researcher
Bone find
DI Dr. Andreas Reisinger presents his project
Visitors at the Aquasafe project
Interested visitors
Convincing scientist

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WZP Call for Concept 2019

Patrick Knogler, Michael Arndorfer, Anna-Maria Lienhart, Johanna Mikl-Leitner,...

WZP dissertations/PhD 2019

Thomas Glatzl

WZP master theses 2019

Barbara Stöckl, Lena Campostrini
Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Victoria Sarne

Wissen schaf[f]t Zukunft Award 2018

Trophy Wissen schaf[f]t Zukunft Award 2018
Barbara Stöckl, Julia Weber
Barbara Stöckl, Lisa-Marie Wagner
Barbara Stöckl, Johannes Reiter
Lisa-Marie Wagner, Johannes Reiter, Julia Weber, Johanna Mikl-Leitner

Wissen schaf[f]t Zukunft Award 2017

Trophies: Science Prize of the Province of Lower Austria 2017 and Wissen...
Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Marco Beaumont, Birgit Fendl, Georg Gübitz
Barbara Stöckl, Birgit Fendl,  Marco Beaumont
Barbara Stöckl, Birgit Fendl
Barbara Stöckl, Marco Beaumont
Petra Bohuslav, Georg Gübitz, Birgit Fendl, Marco, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Barbara...

Best of Life Science Call 2016

good mood
from left.: Franz Delapina, Mario Enzenberger and Sigrid Rulitz
Sobha Karuthedom George
Moderator Peter Illetschko in conversation
Franz Delapina opens the event

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Moderator Peter Illetschko leads through the event
Monika Schmoll
Kathrin Rychli presents
Monika Schmoll explains
Peter Allacher and team present a project
interested listeners
Young scientists
Christoph Schüller
The young science community
Christian Schober in conversation
Peter Allacher in conversation
Günter Allmaier
Christian Schober presents
Stefan Nehrer

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Best of Life Science Call and RTI Digitalization 2017

Good mood at the meeting of the scientists
v.l.: Dieter Pahr, Stefanie Stelzer, Andreas Reisinger
Good conversations at the community meeting
Martin Brandl, Albert Treytl and Gerald Steiner
Ines Méhu-Blantar, Mario Enzenberger, Franz Delapina, Barbara Schwarz
Ruth Hutsteiner moderates
Barbara Schwarz, Managing Director

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The scientific community listens attentively
Andreas Reisinger
Alexander Kirschner
Ruth Hutsteiner
Hans Salzer
Claudia Gundacker
Oliver Langer
Stefanie Stelzer, Andreas Reisinger, Dieter Pahr
Martin Brandl
Good conversations between young scientists
The NÖ Forschungs- und Bildungsges.m.b.H. (NFB) invited to the exchange
Tina Gruber-Mücke
Albert Treytl
Albert Treytl inspires with his lecture
Dieter Pahr
Dieter Pahr
Stefanie Stelzer
Gerald Steiner
Djordje Slijepcevic
Ines Méhu-Blantar, Ruth Hutsteiner, Gerald Steiner
Ines Méhu-Blantar
Gerald Steiner

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For information and queries on the subject of public relations, such as the provision of press releases, logos, high-resolution images, printed matter, etc., please contact Sigrid Rulitz:

Mag. Sigrid Rulitz
Marketing & PR

Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung NÖ
Hypogasse 1, 1st floor
3100 St. Pölten

Phone: +43 2742 275 70-40

Pictures and videos can be found in our media center, printed material in the publications section.

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