International cancer research project started at Biotech Campus Tulln
Metastatische Melanomzellen (Mel.7) – vlnr. CXCR3 - phalloidin – merge
In the field of cancer diagnostics, the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems and the Biotech Campus Tulln of the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt are jointly breaking new ground in Lower Austria. The effectiveness of drugs on cancer cells is examined using the so-called Raman microscope and evaluated with artificial intelligence (AI).
“For the Biotech Campus Tulln this means continuity of successful research in cooperation with the project partners IMC Krems, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Osteology and the University of Salzburg,” Birgit Herbinger, head of the study program “Biotechnical Processes,” is pleased.
On November 1, 2022, the project “Ra-Dia-M, Reproducible Label-Free Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, SERS, for Diagnostics of Melanoma Cells” started, which is funded by the Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung Niederösterreich (GFF NÖ) within the “FTI-Projekte Grundlagenforschung 2021” call with funds from the state of Lower Austria for three years. FH Wiener Neustadt graduate Daniel Zimmermann will receive a PhD position shared between Krems and Tulln and supervised in Salzburg as part of the project.

Projektkonsortium v.l.: David Lilek, Daniel Zimmermann, Bodo Wilts, Sonja Gamsjäger, Birgit Herbinger, Christoph Wiesner und Katerina Prohaska