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We fund


The RTI calls promote excellent research in Lower Austria and also serve as a stimulus for the successful acquisition of third-party funding at national and European levels. Funding is awarded in competitive procedures in order to ensure high quality of the funded projects as well as optimal utilization of the available funding budgets.

All calls are announced with reference to the fields of action of the RTI Strategy of Lower Austria 2027, although a focus within one of the fields of action is also possible.

Information on current calls are available in the annual call program.

Portrait Mario Enzenberger
Mag. Mario Enzenberger
Authorized Manager, Head of Calls
Portrait Elisabeth Schuster
Elisabeth Schuster
Calls, Endowed Professorships
Portrait Florian Huber
Dr. Florian Huber
Call- and Programme-Management

RTI Citizen-Science

Within the framework of RTI Citizen Science, research projects are funded in which citizens actively develop new knowledge, new technologies or new innovations as project contributors, researchers or project leaders together with Lower Austrian colleges, universities and non-university research institutions. The goal is to sustainably anchor Citizen Science in society and science in order to contribute to solving current societal challenges.

In the spirit of open science, citizen science projects facilitate a dialog between science and society and a transfer of knowledge in both directions.

The knowledge of citizens can thus flow directly into scientific research and enable new questions and insights. By engaging with citizens, science not only receives new impulses, but also direct feedback regarding the practical relevance of the results, which leads to a high social benefit of the projects.

Citizen science projects also arouse curiosity and interest in science and research and promote the scientific maturity of citizens, i.e. the competence to classify and evaluate highly complex information from science and research. Citizen Science projects thus contribute to an increase in knowledge of all actors involved.

Information on current calls for proposals will be available shortly in the annual call program.

Who for: Colleges, universities and non-university research institutions in Lower Austria; citizens of Lower Austria

Portrait Elisabeth Schuster
Elisabeth Schuster
Calls, Endowed Professorships

RTI Dissertations

Supporting the employment of doctoral candidates at colleges, universities and non-university research institutions located in Lower Austria strengthens the next generation of scientists in Lower Austria.

The targeted support and financial safeguarding of young scientists are important prerequisites for ensuring the scientific qualification and innovative strength of the state. Qualified young scientists make a significant contribution to the ability of scientific and research institutions to operate dynamically and to gain research strength and visibility. The promotion of doctoral candidates therefore increases the attractiveness of the region in national and international competition.

Information on current calls for proposals will be available shortly in the annual call program.

Who for: Colleges, universities and non-university research institutions in Lower Austria

Portrait Elisabeth Schuster
Elisabeth Schuster
Calls, Endowed Professorships

RTI Infrastructure

Support for the acquisition and expansion of scientific equipment infrastructures improves the technical equipment of Lower Austria's colleges, universities and non-university research institutions, facilitates outstanding research and helps raise the profile of the region. This increases the attractiveness and competitiveness of Lower Austria as a science hub and strengthens its innovative power. The cooperative use of infrastructures by several institutions further enhances this benefit.

Information on current calls for proposals will be available shortly in the annual call program.

Who for: Colleges, universities and non-university research institutions in Lower Austria

Portrait Mario Enzenberger
Mag. Mario Enzenberger
Authorized Manager, Head of Calls

RTI Partnerships

Within the framework of RTI partnerships, scientists from various disciplines work on a specific topic together with non-scientific actors (e.g. from the fields of education, business, administration and society) and network in a sustainable, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary manner. In this way, development strategies for Lower Austria as an RTI hub can be worked out, cooperative research projects in new consortia made possible and/or joint innovation projects launched.

Based on clearly defined issues and challenges within the fields of action of the RTI Strategy Lower Austria 2027, the establishment of new networks and thematic groups is supported that are of particular social, economic or ecological importance for Lower Austria. This contributes to a sustainable strengthening of research performance and innovative strength in Lower Austria in specific topics. The RTI partnerships are particularly suitable for solving societal challenges due to their transdisciplinary orientation, the exchange of knowledge between different groups of actors and the combination of scientific and practical knowledge.

Information on current calls for proposals will be available soon in the annual call program.

Who for: Colleges, universities and non-university research institutions in Lower Austria

Portrait Florian Huber
Dr. Florian Huber
Call- and Programme-Management

RTI Projects - Basic research

The funding of basic research projects is intended to strengthen scientific research in the fields of action of the Lower Austria RTI Strategy 2027, which can contribute to solving societal challenges in the short, medium or long term, or which has societal or economic benefits.

The targeted expansion of research competencies in Lower Austria contributes to the profile of Lower Austria as a research hub and promotes excellent and internationally visible research. Lower Austrian colleges, universities, non-university research institutions and companies are thus also supported in participating successfully in calls for existing national and international research funding programs and in entering into increased cooperation with international partners.

The networking of various research institutions in project consortia is an important aspect in ensuring the dynamic development of Lower Austria as an RTI hub. Here, the focus is increasingly on inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation and the formation of new consortia.

In order to stimulate participatory research methods and projects at Lower Austrian science and research institutions, there is the possibility of active cooperation between citizens and scientists in research projects within the framework of so-called Citizen Science Add-ons. This enables a knowledge transfer in both directions and provides new impulses for research.


Who for: Colleges, universities and non-university research institutions in Lower Austria

Portrait Mario Enzenberger
Mag. Mario Enzenberger
Authorized Manager, Head of Calls

RTI Projects - applied research

The funding of applied research projects is intended to strengthen scientific research in the fields of action of the Lower Austria RTI Strategy 2027, which can contribute to solving societal challenges in the short, medium or long term, or which has societal or economic benefits.

The targeted expansion of research competencies in Lower Austria contributes to the profile of Lower Austria as a research hub and promotes excellent and internationally visible research. Lower Austrian colleges, universities, non-university research institutions and companies are thus also supported in participating successfully in calls for existing national and international research funding programs and in entering into increased cooperation with international partners.

The networking of various institutions in project consortia is an important aspect in ensuring the dynamic development of Lower Austria as an RTI hub.

Who for: Cooperations between at least one research and knowledge-dissemination organisation (Colleges, universities and non-university research institutions) and at least one commercial enterprise, both with location in Lower Austria

Portrait Florian Huber
Dr. Florian Huber
Call- and Programme-Management


RTI Endowed Professorships

By awarding RTI endowed professorships, research structures and competencies at Lower Austrian locationsof colleges and universities are strengthened and specific research topics are sustainably established in the fields of action of the RTI Strategy Lower Austria 2027.

The funding of endowed professorships serves to establish and expand critical factors in specific research fields. The goal is to promote outstanding research, increase the international visibility of research groups and improve the profile of Lower Austria as an RTI hub. Inter-institutional cooperation is strengthened and the linking of science and research to economic and social issues is supported. In addition, tertiary education in the relevant subject area will be further developed and teaching expanded in order to contribute to increasing the number of graduates in the long term.

Information on current calls for proposals will be available shortly in the annual call program.

Who for: Colleges and universities in Lower Austria

Portrait Elisabeth Schuster
Elisabeth Schuster
Calls, Endowed Professorships

Funding database


1–8 / 305 records

Double stranded RNA analysis using an innovative biosensor-integrated nanopore sequencing approach [Sens-Nanopore]

Lead partner: Danube Private University

Scientific management: Sabine Szunerits

Project-ID FTI23-G-001
Project start Mai 01, 2024
Funding amount € 338.302,00
Runtime 36 months / ongoing

3D printing of extracellular vesicles from Hoffa fat pad derived mesenchymal stem cells for cartilage regeneration

Lead partner: Universität für Weiterbildung Krems (Donau-Universität Krems)

Scientific management: Andrea De Luna

Project-ID FTI23-G-007
Project start Juni 01, 2024
Funding amount € 343.685,00
Runtime 36 months / ongoing

SADAA - Sensor-based anomaly detection – as a requirement in autonomous arable farming

Lead partner: Josephinum Research

Scientific management: Peter Riegler-Nurscher

Project-ID FTI23-G-009
Project start März 01, 2024
Funding amount € 360.000,00
Runtime 36 months / ongoing

Dynamically reconfigurable self-assembly with triangular DNA-origami bricks

Lead partner: IST - Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Scientific management: Carl Goodrich

Project-ID FTI23-G-011
Project start März 01, 2024
Funding amount € 358.681,00
Runtime 36 months / ongoing

VReeze: An Open-Source Virtual Reality for Studying Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease.

Lead partner: Fachhochschule St. Pölten

Scientific management: Tarique Siragy

Project-ID FTI23-G-016
Project start Juni 01, 2024
Funding amount € 360.000,00
Runtime 36 months / ongoing

Sustainable Transformation of Food By-Products into Processable Materials (SusFoMa)

Lead partner: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) - UFT Tulln

Scientific management: Marco Beaumont

Project-ID FTI23-G-019
Project start Juni 01, 2024
Funding amount € 312.400,00
Runtime 36 months / ongoing

Project-ID FTI23-C-004
Project start Oktober 01, 2024
Funding amount € 359.227,00
Runtime 36 months / ongoing

Project-ID FTI23-C-005
Project start Oktober 01, 2024
Funding amount € 360.000,00
Runtime 36 months / ongoing

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